Sinoć je svet obišla šokantna vest da je Demi Lovato hitno primljena u bolnicu zbog predoziranja. Strani mediji pišu da je njeno stanje stabilno, nakon čega su počele da se šire poruke podrške njenih fanova ali i drugih javnih ličnosti. Među njima su Ariana Grande, Jonas braća i mnogi drugi.
Posebnu pažnju je izazvao komentar Nicka Jonasa. Nick i Demi su godinama bliski prijatelji. Pevačica je prošle godine čak priznala da prema njemu gaji jače emocije, ali nedavno su počele da se šire priče o svađi jer je Demi prestala da ga prati na društvenim mrežama. Ipak, to nije sprečilo Nicka da joj pošalje poruku punu ljubavi i podrške u ovom teškom periodu:
Kao i svi vi šokiran sam vestima o Demi. Svi je volimo i treba da se molimo da ozdravi. Ona je borac.
Pored Nicka oglasile su se i mnoge druge velike zvezde:
My friend @ddlovato is one of the kindest, most talented people I’ve ever met. Praying for her right now, addiction is a terrifying disease. There is no one more honest or brave than this woman.
— Brad Paisley (@BradPaisley) July 24, 2018
Poor beautiful spirit @ddlovato I hope she’s ok, and that she makes a full recovery soon.
— Lily Allen (@lilyallen) July 24, 2018
❤️ @ddlovato
— Katie Stevens (@thekatiestevens) July 24, 2018
I love @DDLovato so much. It breaks my heart that she is going through this. She is a light in this world, and I am sending my love to her and her family.
— The Ellen Show (@EllenDeGeneres) July 24, 2018
Wishing @ddlovato love and light right now. 🙏
— ChristyCarlsonRomano (@ChristyRomano) July 24, 2018
praying for @ddlovato and her health. When I was 14, she was an idol to me in how she spoke so openly about mental health. And now she continues to inspire thousands of young men and women with her body positivity messages. Addiction and mental illness doesn’t discriminate. 💔
— Lili Reinhart (@lilireinhart) July 24, 2018
@ddlovato we love you 🙏🏻💗
— Meghan Trainor (@Meghan_Trainor) July 24, 2018