Dekodiramo tekst nove Eminemove pesme ‘Killshot’

Dekodiramo tekst nove Eminemove pesme ‘Killshot’


I’m sick of you bein’ wack
And still usin’ that mothafuckin’ Auto-Tune
So let’s talk about it (let’s talk about it)
I’m sick of your mumble rap mouth
Need to get the cock up out it
Before we can even talk about it (talk about it)
I’m sick of your blonde hair and earrings
Just ’cause you look in the mirror and think
That you’re Marshall Mathers (Marshall Mathers)
Don’t mean you are, and you’re not about it

Ovaj deo je direkta odgovor na MGK-jev refren, koji ide:

I’m sick of them sweatsuits and them corny hats, let’s talk about it
I’m sick of you bein’ rich and you still mad, let’s talk about it
Both of us single dads from the Midwest, we can talk about it
Or we could get gully, I’ll size up your body
And put some white chalk around it

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