Serija Riverdale uskoro prestaje sa emitovanjem. Televizija CW saopštila je da će sedma sezona serija ujedno biti i poslednja, a trebalo bi da se emituje sredinom 2023. godine.
U martu 2022. godine najavljeno je da je serija obnovljena za sedmu sezonu, no to nije značilo da da joj je budućnost sigurno.
„Verujem da duge serije treba da imaju odgovarajući završetak. Juče sam razgovarao sa izvršnim producentom serije Robertom i on je srećan što će dobiti priliku da seriju okonča onako kako je želeo,“ izjavio je direktor televizije CW Mark Pedowitz.
On je dodao da je uveren da i ekipa serije smatra da je ovo najbolja odluka.
A čini se da ni fanovi nisu preterano razočarani ovom odlukom: ne može se pronaći mnogo tvitova na internetu u kojima očajavaju zbog ove odluke.
riverdale canceled bring back i am not okay with this
— evil daisy randone (@jfkholepics) May 19, 2022
The cast of riverdale when they heard the show was getting canceled
— Farai Sedai🦉 (@Thee__Mule) May 19, 2022
finally riverdale is canceled. someone came to their senses!
— My360Nation (@npcj3600) May 19, 2022
am i inconsolable that batwoman and legends were cancelled?? yes.
but it’s all ok if this was the price to pay for riverdale getting canceled finally— valentina 🍉 lesbo percy jackson (@ASTRAL0GUE) May 19, 2022
no more “this was canceled and riverdale was not??????!!!?” the world is healing
— sabry (@Neptvned) May 19, 2022
i know people out there are celebrating the fall of riverdale but let’s be honest here no show will ever be able to do what riverdale did! it took risks. it was always in peoples mouths. every time a show was canceled riverdale ended up trending… it will always be the it girl!
— bree (@topazgotjuice) May 19, 2022
They canceled riverdale for this
— Erasmo 🇲🇽 (@_elerosmo) May 19, 2022