Ove godine se dogodila prava tragedija kada je na koncertu Ariane Grande, zbog terorističnog napada živote izgubilo 21 osoba. Pošto je želela da izađe u susret svojim Arianatorima i porodicama žrtava, Ari je organizovala dobrotvorni koncert One Love Manchester, kojim je prikupila čak 17 miliona futni. Međutim, danas, šest meseci nakon tragedije, vlada Engleske je isplatila samo 5 miliona žrtvama napada, a ostatak zadržala za svoje potrebe.
Da stvar bude još gora, vlada odbija da plati ostalih 12 miliona, jer kako kažu, nije razumno potrošiti svih 17 miliona na žrtve napada. Još uvek se ne zna na čemu je tačno potrošena ostala suma, ali se pretpostavlja da je vlada ostatak novca usmerila na druge troškove, uključujući školstvo, zdravstvo ali i novogodišnju dekoraciju.
Nakon što je ova vest obišla svet, Arianatori su se udružili i napravili kampanju #JusticeForManchester, kako bi se izborili da sav novac koji je Ari, zajedno sa ostalim zvezdama, zaradila ode svim žrtvama napada u Mančesteru, kao što je to i planirano.
Theresa May's Britain:
LONDON: £17 million is a reasonable amount to pay for a holiday flat
MANCHESTER: £17 million is NOT a "reasonable" amount to pay after a terrorist attack#JusticeForManchester pic.twitter.com/Q7CYTggABo— Tom Pride (@ThomasPride) November 26, 2017
this actually makes me feel sick. we raised £17 million. manchester should get £17 million. we will will fight for what's right just like we did when we raised all of this money. together. #JusticeForManchester ♡ pic.twitter.com/f4UM2hx2As
— elena (@bocadarlings) November 26, 2017
this is so unfair. we came together for love and made history with one love manchester and raised an incredibly amazing amount of money and they just have to ruin this whole thing. this is NOT what we did this for. it’s all for the families, NOT government. #JusticeForManchester pic.twitter.com/hRATpoeyJ4
— kira ୨୧ (@enchantayed) November 26, 2017
#JusticeForManchester absolutely disgusted by this kind of news, the government NEEDS to do something!! where the hell did the raised money go?? ariana must be destroyed by such shameful news, it’s not what anyone wanted. remember what was one love manchester aim!! pic.twitter.com/lOAKjdpp4i
— ele (@sweeteneriana) November 26, 2017